Throughout her career Carina has prioritised relationships built on trust with industry peers, underwriters and customers. She believes this underpins her recognition as a thought leader in the specialist area of construction professionals’ risk across Australia.
Carina’s career began in Sydney in the year 2000. She moved to London in 2004 working on the professional indemnity facility for UK architects. Carina’s experience in the Lloyd’s of London market has prepared her to navigate global risk trends when negotiating architect’s risk.
Returning to Sydney in 2007 Carina was retained by a specialist construction professionals intermediary. She spent the next 17 years specialising in advising on risk, arranging, administering, and managing claims for architects, engineers, and other professionals.
Prioritising her customers interests by procuring the most appropriate cover priced competitively, Carina also emphasises the importance of responsiveness when providing her services. Further she considers it is extremely important to stay up to date with trending impacting her customers’ business. She stays abreast of commercial, legislative, and other macro issues to educate herself and in-turn her customers on how to best transfer risk.